These two key 21st century sustainability challenges are directly relevant to aluminium foil packaging.
Aluminium foil has been used in packaging solutions for more than a hundred years. As a material it is both efficient and effective in protecting and preserving its valuable contents. The use of a small amount of aluminium foil protects a far greater resource investment in the product, very often food, reducing or eliminating wastage and hereby saving resources.
Aluminium foil’s excellent barrier and other unique characteristics provide effective solutions that combine to help make life increasingly sustainable by using our planets resources as efficiently as possible. More information on aluminium foil’s unique charateristics can be found in the section “Resource Efficiency”.
That doesn’t mean that aluminium foil and alufoil packaging cannot become more sustainable.
By “Building for Tomorrow” the industry has already significantly reduced the environmental impact of the aluminium foil used today and continues to initiate new and innovative ways to make alufoil even more sustainable.
Resource efficient packaging: what does it mean?
When the “Resource Efficiency” characteristics and “Building for Tomorrow” initiatives are applied together, they form the Alufoil Sustainability Framework.